Nerdio - QB-Flow Setup

Flowdevs and Nerdio partnered up to offer the first automatic Quickbooks updater in a portable Executable (QB-Flow).

  1. Subscribe to QB-Flow found here:
  2. In your welcome email you will see Your Customer ID: cus_RfN********
  3. Log into Partner Level in your NMM instance
  4. Navigate to Scripted Actions > Windows Scripts
  5. Click Add scripted Action
  6. Name: Quickbooks Update
    Description: Make something up here ;)
    Tags: Flowdevs, Nerdio
    Script Execution Mode: Combined (view this documentation on questions: here)
    Click the Show Button and paste in the below code make sure you update $customerid = "step 2"

# Enter your Customer ID, which can be found in your Welcome Email after subscribing to QB-Flow
$customerid = ""

# URL to download the QB-Flow executable
$QBUpdateURL = ""
# Destination path for the QB-Flow executable
$QBdestination = "C:\Windows\Temp\qb-flow.exe"

# Create a WebClient object to download the file
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webclient.DownloadFile($QBUpdateURL, $QBdestination)

# Execute the QB-Flow application with the Customer ID as an argument
Start-Process $QBdestination -ArgumentList "/customerid $($customerid)" -NoNewWindow -Wait